Monday, January 6, 2020

Travel databases

We have databases that are perfect for travel! They are: Mango Languages, Global Road Warrior, and A-Z Maps Online. FYI: You will need to sign in with your NTNET username and password to access them. You can find them all at our Databases A-Z page. The link to this page is on our home page. Please keep in mind that these databases display the best and are the most usable on a desktop, laptop, or tablet computer. However, they have mobile-responsive sites, which can be used on your smartphone.

Mango Languages has over 70 languages for you to learn.  There are audio and video portions and even an app. You can create an account to track your improvement or be a guest user. This is also a great way for English as a Second Language learners to brush up on their language skills.

Screenshot of an Italian video lesson.

Global Road Warrior is designed for business travelers but it  can be used by anyone.  It has very comprehensive information on a slew of countries. This information includes tips on society, culture, internet access, politics, etiquette, and much, much more.

A screenshot of information about Japan.

A-Z Maps Online. This has an amazing amount of different types of maps from all around the world. A few of the map types include: empire, holy land, climate, ecology, geology, NASA, city, world and USA. Below is a 1595 map of the world.

A 1595 world map from A-Z Maps Online

Happy travels!

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