The library's software for processing interlibrary loan requests changed over the summer. Here are the steps you go through to request a book or other physical item be sent to you from either another Tarleton library, or from a library somewhere in the world that might have the item:
1. On the library's home page (, click “Services” in the right-hand column to open the menu, then click "Interlibrary Loan.”
2. READ everything on the Interlibrary Loan page (, then click "Login to Interlibrary loan" (in center of screen).
3. Login using your NTNET user name & password.
4. Then click the "Create Request" button.
5. This example is a request for the loan of a book or other physical item, and not an article from a periodical such as an academic journal or a newspaper, so click the "Loan" button.
6. Then use the drop-down menu to select the correct Pickup Location.
7. All the fields with an asterisk * (also highlighted in yellow below) on the page should be filled out. Some of the fields, such as your first and last name, and the service type, should already be complete. You can add information for the other fields, if you have it. For the "Needed Before" date, you should probably put the date the assignment is due. Keep in mind, though, that most loans of physical items will take at least a week to arrive, even if they are coming from another Tarleton campus, so plan accordingly.
8. Finally, click "Submit Request" at the bottom of the screen (as in the photo just above).
For an article from a periodical, you'll still need to provide/check your first and last name, your NTNET number, and the Needed Before date. Under
About my item, the required fields are Journal Title and Date, Page Numbers, and Title of Article. The Service Type should be COPY. Articles can often be sent as a PDF and so often they will arrive quickly, but again, you need to plan for delays.
If you have any questions, please ask a librarian or contact the Interlibrary Loan staff at, or 254-968-9660.