Monday, June 1, 2015

Americans and privacy

The Pew Research Center recently published a research study on American's attitudes towards privacy, security, and surveillance. Some of their findings include the following information:

                                          flickr photo by Sean MacEntee
                                          shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

  • "93% of adults say that being in control of who can get information about them is important; 74% feel this is 'very important,' while 19% say it is 'somewhat important.'
  • 90% say that controlling what information is collected about them is important—65% think it is 'very important” and 25% say it is 'somewhat important.' "
Books on privacy in our collection
To find out more about privacy, security, and surveillance, you may want to search our catalog. Using "privacy" as a subject brings up many results.  You may also want to try "security" or "surveillance." If you are off-campus,  narrow your search by restricting it to e-books so that you can start reading right away.  Log in with your NTNET username and password to receive access.

Some of our e-book titles on privacy include Facebook nation: total information awareness (2014) by Newton Lee and Privacy vs. security (2014) by Sophie Stalla-Bourdillon.

   Image retrieved from          Image retrieved from

Print books
Two of our print books on privacy (located upstairs, in the General Stacks) are Data and Goliath : the hidden battles to collect your data and control your world (2015) by Bruce Schneier and Dragnet nation : a quest for privacy, security, and freedom in a world of relentless surveillance (2014) by Julia Angwin.

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