Friday, April 11, 2014

Discovery Search has citation help

Did you know that our Discovery search tool can help you with citations?
Here's how.

Citation Help in Discovery
1. Do an article search.
2.   Click on a hyperlinked title in your results for the article you'd like to use (see below).
Screenshot from a Discovery search results page.

2.  Click the yellow icon labeled "Cite" on the next screen and a drop down menu will appear.
The next screen gives you details about the article.
3. Click on your desired citation format from the drop down menu.
Styles include AMA, APA, and MLA.
Citation Saving
From here, you can either:
a) copy and paste your citation into Word or
b) click on the e-mail icon to the right to e-mail yourself the citation (be sure to select the correct format on your e-mail screen). 

If you subscribe to bibliographic management software, such as EndNote, you can c), export the citation to your account.

Citation Errors
Be sure to check your citation for mistakes

Reliable sources to use include our manuals at the reference desk, or the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) site  or  our Citing Sources page.

By the way, did you notice that the APA citation pictured above is incorrect?  It requires a hanging indent. Can you spot any other mistakes?

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