Although we have thousands of journals available online there may be times where you need to see the print or microfilmed version of an article. The periodicals we have inside the library are only the tip of the iceberg of what the library owns. We maintain a separate location for the bound periodicals older than 3 years and almost all microform holdings, which we call "Offsite Stacks". Renovated and expanded last year, our offsite stacks allow us to keep journal volumes and film without taking up valuable space in the library.
If you come across a title in the catalog that says "Offsite" as the location and you need it please fill out the form on the
Periodicals Department web page or visit the Periodicals Service desk (temporarily located past the café on the main floor). We'll retrieve the volume you need within 24 hours if during the week or Monday morning if submitted over the weekend.
Nice Pictures Amy!
Thanks, Tracy!
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