Friday, April 19, 2013

The Waco Siege

Today, we remember the Waco Siege at Mount Carmel Center in 1993. I still remember hearing about this on the news when I was younger, but I did not pay much attention to it at the time. I was only 9 years old and couldn't be bothered to pay attention to the news. Oh, how minds do change. I have since grown more interested and reliant on my news as is to be expected, but the Waco Siege still interests me if only because I don't remember much about it except that it was a cult following, there was a fire, and nobody survived. It's hard to imagine that so many people could be deceived by one person, but it happens time and time again throughout history and will continue to do so so long as people continue to give power to one individual without researching and checking the facts out on their own. Anyway, I thought it might interest you to know what kind of resources the Dick Smith Library has about the Waco Siege as well as cults in general and (while I'm at it) mind control. Here's what I found.

Why Waco? Cults and the Battle for Religious Freedom in America by James D. Tabor and Eugene V. Gallagher

A New Understanding of Terrorism: Case Studies, Trajectories, and Lessons Learned by M.R. Haberfeld and Agostino Hassell

The New American Exceptionalism by Donald E. Pease
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Cults in America: A Reference Handbook by James R. Lewis
 Brainwash: The Secret History of Mind Control by Dominic Streatfeild
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TEDTalks: Diane Benscoter - How Cults Rewire the Brain from Films on Demand

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