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Friday, November 30, 2012
A Teller of Tales
Samuel Clemens, better know as Mark Twain, was born today in 1835 in Florida, Missouri. At the age of four, he moved to Hannibal, Missouri. Hannibal, located on the Mississippi River with its riverboat traffic, would have a major influence on Clemens' career as a writer. H e has been hailed as one of the greatest writers in American literature. William Faulkner declared Twain "the first truly American writer," Norman Mailer stated that Huckleberry Finn stands up to "thebest modern American novels," and Ernest Hemingway felt that all American writing came from Huckleberry Finn "and there has been nothing as good since." Mark Twain is noted for his witticisms and quotes. One of my favorites is: "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that
you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore, Dream, Discover." The Dick Smith Library has books by Mark Twain and other November birthday writers on display and available for checkout next to the new books display at the front of the library.
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