Grassburr Pictures Must Be In Before Christmas!
(J-TAC December 14, 1935)
The photo above shows K.N. and Mary Baxley, on the far right and far left behind the counters in Baxley's Studio, probably in the 1950s judging from the bobby socks and penny loafers, and flats that the girls at counters are wearing! K.N. Baxley made many of the early Tarleton photographs that are in the Grassburr! He was a Stephenville photographer for many years, also making photographs for all the little county schools!
The Baxley Studio is actually still here! Manuel Miller took over Baxley's Studio, and it is our downtown Miller's Studio! Mr. Miller's daughter, Joan Livingston is the current owner and photographer. Miller's Studio staff still take pictures for the Grassburr!
The December 14, 1935 J-TAC states: "Pictures for the Grassburr have been coming in rather slowly until the last three or four days. Most of the club pictures have been turned in and the rest are expected before Saturday. Tuesday the Cadet Corps had its picture made for the annual. Some of our new officers surely were happy to have their pictures made in their uniforms with buttons and sabers! Captain Hart had to be told by Captain Davis to put his saber back in the sheath! Those who expect to get their individual pictures in should do so before the Christmas holidays!"
The Grassburr, which began in 1916, provides Tarleton with a great historical resource! Many people visit the library to look at the Grassburrs! Hopefully our current students will realize that it is important to have their pictures made for the Tarleton yearbook! Seventy five years ago the students had to get their pictures made before the Christmas break!
Dick Smith Library Cross Timbers Historic Images Project. Stephenville Museum Collection.
J-TAC, December 14, 1935.
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