Friday, October 1, 2010

Banned Books

Book banning. How Fahrenheit 451. How The Handmaid’s Tale. How chilling. Is book banning something that happened only back in the day? Well, of course not! Here is a list of books challenged or banned in 2009-2010.

The whole concept makes me sad. I walked around, looking at the thought-provoking displays in the Dick Smith Library on banned books, getting sadder and sadder. Many of these books have provided me with hours and hours of contemplation and entertainment. The authors have given me insight into other persons, other cultures, other religions, others' opinions. They have helped define who I am.

So, how to get past these blues? For me, of course, it is to select one of these banned books to read. Yeah! Take that, censors! I live in The UNITED STATES of AMERICA, where (for the moment) I can still read whatever I choose! Join me in radical reading! Learn about banned books and find a title to read at the library. BE AN ACTIVIST. Protect your right to read!


Cathy W. said...

Been wanting to re-read To Kill a Mockingbird and the Harry Potter novels -- now I've even more reason to do so. Thanks for the reminder!

Kim Gragg said...

Go Janie! I'm reading Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. It's pretty good so far.

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.