Welcome to Summer School!
"Summer school is well underway and everyone seems to be working hard"....as was reported in the June 30, 1926 J-TAC. The first summer session in 1926 had 417 students registered, 261 women and 156 men. Ten of them were graduate students taking extra classes. Most of them were teachers working toward certificates, regular college students making up credits, or high school students making up credits. Before the summer of 1926 was over, Tarleton had a record enrollment of 511.
My Tarleton Thursdays blog on June 18, 2009 was about summer teacher institutes that were held so that rural teachers could work on certification and further their study. The 1926 summer J-TAC reported that additional staff was brought in for the education classes - some teachers from area high schools taught classes such as grammar, science, mathematics, and history. On the flip side, some of the Tarleton teachers spent their summer teaching or going to school elsewhere.
In the summer 1926 J-TAC, Dean J. Thomas Davis gave a special greeting to the students stating "Tarleton has been very fortunate in the character of people who have made up its faculty and its student body. The contribution you make this summer will help to maintain and carry forward the Purple and White under the same high ideals and standards of life, as have made Tarleton respected and honored in the past."
Good luck with all your classes this summer!
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