Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tarleton Thursdays: Did You Know?

“The most beautiful part of Tarleton’s landscape, trees have remained a landmark throughout the university’s history.”

Arbor Day is tomorrow, April 24. 2009 and trees have always been an important and beautiful part of the campus. As stated in the Tarleton Traditions pamphlet (page 31), “at least one tree remains from each of the 254 counties in Texas. The largest trees on campus are the post oaks. The two American elms in front of the Howell Building were planted about 1915. The oldest live oak tree is at the southeast corner of the Howell Bulding and a Ness Oak, a hybrid, is east of that building. There are four to six types of native live oaks on campus and many native and grafted pecan trees. The largest pecan tree stands in front of the Agriculture Building.” 

Even the library received a tree! In 1956, the Tarleton Scholarship Society planted a tree in front of the new library. However, the 1985 addition to the front of the original library building took in that area.

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