Thursday, October 26, 2017

Halloween Safety Tips for College Students

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Halloween is all about the things that go bump in the night….and seeing the light of morning November 1st. To help ensure your frightful night is a raging success, I’ve compiled a list of the internet’s best safety tips specifically geared for college students:

  • ·         Watch your food and drinks. Don’t accept anything edible from people you don’t know well.  If you have to set your drink or plate down to say, head to the bathroom, assume it is trash when you get back. If you’re playing a game of pool or are otherwise engaged elsewhere while consuming, ask a trusted friend to watch your goods when your back is turned. Better yet, make a pact with your friends before heading out for the night to babysit each other’s food and drink.

  • ·         Wear a reasonable costume. I’m not talking about the skimpy vs conservative debate. If your costume impedes walking, running or seeing, it’s not safe. Lots of things go down Halloween night, including pranks of all sorts. Pranks can go wrong, so make sure you can get out of a situation quickly and safely. High heels, long leg-wrapping dresses, even accessories can tangle up your limbs. Wigs,fake glasses and overflowing hats can prevent you from seeing. Make sure your costume is impressive and functional.

  • ·         Consider sharing. Location services, that is. Share your phone’s location temporarily with a good friend for the night. Also, make sure your phone is on full battery, and if possible, bring a charger. Keep your phone on all night, and don’t set it down anywhere.

  • ·         Don’t drink and drive. Do we still have to say this? Just don’t. Add to this one, don't text and drive. Don't get into a car with a driver who is either drinking or texting. 

  • ·         Stay with your group of friends. As tempting as it is, Halloween is not the night to take off with a group of strangers, or worse, that one handsome devil at the party. Stay with people you know and who know you.

  • ·         Here’s a good one: Decorate safely. “Are you the party host? Make sure valuables and breakables are put away safely. Light your jack o’ lanterns with glow sticks instead of real candles, which are a fire hazard.” 

  • Stash some cash. Hopefully you'll end up back at home with your wallet, but just in case - stash some cash somewhere on your body for the night. 

For additional tips, check out these links: 

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