Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tarleton Thursdays: Did You Know?

"Girls Happy in Classy New Dump Without Beds!"

Seventy five years ago, in September 1936, Tarleton girls were welcomed to the new school year by a new dorm - Lotta Moody! My blog post June 16, 2011 told about the new construction and additions to the women's dorm, and included a map of the area.

The September 19, 1936 J-TAC reported that the new girls' dormitory had been open since the beginning of school, but that most of the rooms only had two mattresses! Furniture was coming in a piece at a time every day or so! Even though the girls didn't have beds they were quite fond of their new living quarters!

The new dorm had hardwood floors, showers, tile floors in the baths, two closets to each room and built-in radiators, and staircase. The girls were very proud of their new home which had the appearance of a modern hotel!

Of course some of the girls were still in the old halls, but to compensate them for not being in the new dorm, their furniture, walls, and floors were refinished, giving the entire building a new and attractive appearance! All the girls were refraining from scratching or writing on the walls and furniture. They didn't even hang up pictures on the "new" walls. They, of course, were helped along with their good intentions by being subject to fines for defacement, but they were very proud of their new quarters and had a great attitude!

Have a great semester!

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