Monday, April 18, 2011

Free apps for reading & libraries

If you have a smart phone or iPod Touch, take advantage of these apps:

BookMyne: (iPhone) Search the catalog of your nearest library (including the Dick Smith Library), and get book recommendations from the New York Times and the GoodReads site. You can also scan the bar code for books and multimedia in a bookstore and see if they're available in your nearest library.

AccessMyLibrary College Edition: (Android/iPhone) Use our Gale Databases while on the go (subjects include Health, Business, and Literature). After you download the app, you'll be asked for your university e-mail address. Once it is verified, you'll be emailed a password.

iBooks: (iPhone) Download free and paid e-books and PDFs and put them on a virtual "shelf."

Kindle: (Android/Blackberry/iPhone/Windows) No Kindle, no problem--download Amazon's Kindle books to your smart phone or iPad--or your PC. Free books are also available.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Thanks for promo-ing the iphone app! I want to try to run some reports and see if I find some usage numbers for it!