Monday, March 29, 2010

Top Ten Tuesday: 2010 Census on Campus FAQ

Why should I fill out the census?
An accurate count for Stephenville will help it obtain a fair share of federal funding, as well as provide crucial data for planning purposes and academic research. Also, 72 years from now, your descendants will know where you were living in 2010!

What kinds of questions will the census ask me?
Name, gender, age, date of birth, race, and Hispanic origins are asked of everyone. If you're off-campus and the head of a household, you're asked four questions about the household in general. If you're off-campus and not the household head, you're asked how you are related to that person.

Can my parents just include me on their census questionnaire?
If you’re living with your parents during the school year, then yes. But if you aren't living with your parents on April 1, 2010, then no.

Can I complete the census online?
Not for the 2010 Census, but hopefully in 2020.

Will the census share my information with anyone?
No. By law, the Census Bureau cannot share an individual's answers with anyone, including federal, state, and local agencies.

How should I be counted if I am…

Living on campus?
Those living in residence halls, fraternities, and sororities will receive an Individual Census Report during Group Quarters Enumeration between April 1 and May 21, 2010.

Living off campus?
If you live in a house or apartment, you should have already received the ten-question census form and a postage-paid envelope to mail it back.

Not a U.S. citizen?
The census is a count of everyone residing in the United States and its territories, both citizens and non-citizens. So even if you are not a U.S. citizen but you live and sleep in the U.S. most of the year, you will be counted in the census.

An international student?
Same as above.

Studying abroad for part of the year?
Census Day is April 1, 2010. Questionnaire responses should represent your household as it exists on this day. If you are living and studying abroad on April 1, 2010, you will not be counted in the census. However, if you live and study abroad during part of the year but are living in the U.S. on April 1, 2010, you will be counted in the census.

For more on these questions and answers, see Census on Campus: Students' Frequently Asked Questions. You might also want to read What Educators and Campus Leaders Need to Know About the 2010 Census and Counting College & University Residence Halls.

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