Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tarleton Thursdays: Did You Know?

Texans Today - Legends Tomorrow
Homecoming 2009
On Ye Tarleton, from the November 4, 1926 J-TAC. According the Tarleton Traditions pamphlet (p.9), the fight song was written in 1920, and has had only one change since then. "Fight Tarleton, Fight, Fight, Fight and win this game" now says "Fight Texans, Fight, Fight, Fight and win this game." There is also a second verse which is no longer sung.

This J-TAC article, published only six years after the fight song was written, is a great explanation of how it became our song.
On Ye Tarleton, On Ye Tarleton
Break right through that line
Ever forward, ever onward
We'll get there or die
On Ye Tarleton, On Ye Tarleton
Fight for Victory
Fight, Texans, Fight, Fight, Fight
and win this game.

The Tarleton fight song is a true tradition!
Have a wonderful Homecoming!

1 comment:

Kim said...

It is amazing to me that we can go this long and only one thing has been changed. I love it!