Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tarleton Thursdays: Did You Know?

Cadets to Enjoy Ten Day Vacation... Training Camp! Vidette Camp to be held at Glen Rose for Training! "The summer training camp for the cadets of John Tarleton College is to be held at Glen Rose this year. This camp is for the purpose of training officers and getting boys into trim for military duty for the coming year. This system of training has been going on for some time and it has been very valuable in helping produce commissioned and non-commissioned officers for the following year."

"The Vidette camp is open to old students and new students. Everyone is welcome and a very efficient system of training is being worked out. The camp will be held under military discipline and in accordance with college regulations." Oooh sounds like fun!

Shown above are the Videttes from the 1930 Grassburr. Even though the Vidette camp was a training camp, there was also time for recreation, such as baseball, swimming, and fishing. Swimming and fishing.....doesn't sound all that bad.....probably at Oakdale Park and the Big Rocks on the Paluxy River. Going on at the same time was the football training camp.

What a ten day vacation! The July 11, 1930 J-TAC further stated that "all men students planning on coming to Tarleton next year should be at the camp, get acquainted, and have a good time." I'm not sure, but I don't think the Vidette Camp was anything like today's Duck Camp!

"Oh Boy! We'll be there!"

J-TAC, July 11, 1930.

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