Monday, February 16, 2009

Time Management

Are you having trouble with time management? Would you like some pointers on organizing yourself? While David Allen's site on Getting Things Done offers individual or corporate coaching services, there is also plenty to be learned for free! One favorite tip is if a task takes two minutes or less, get off the couch, and DO IT.

Another personal favorite is a weekly plan. Make a two-column file. On the left side write your plans for the week, and on the right side write what you did. Add to the to-do side as things come up during the week. Move undone todos to the following week.

If you have *time* to get into this into more depth, the library has books! Use subject headings such as 'Personal Information Management' or 'Time Management'. Be sure and use the dropdown list and select 'Subject'--it will save you....time.

Note to instructors: the Student Counseling Center gives presentations on Time Management and the library gives presentations on Research Time-Savers (contact Yvonne Mulhern at X9934).

Share YOUR favorite tips!

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

I like to use color-coding. I'm reading GTD and I just got a times. :0)